Here you'll find our FAQ page, filled with tons of helpful information and tips about our services!

  • General Question

    General questions that cover anything non-specific.

Depending on the different service you bought it will vary. Minecraft Servers will normally be setup instantly. VPS Servers will take a bit longer of up to 30 minutes. If you are worried about the service you've bought, feel free to message us and we'll let you know the status. With our customer base constantly increasing, the times may change. We will continuely provide status updates on the client annoucement page.

Yes, you can. That's what makes us different. When you purchase a service from us, you have 30 days to request a refund from us. If you forget to cancel your subscription one day after your purchase on your second month or after, you'll get a 100% refund.

We know we can forget about things so we're here to help! If your server performance drops for a minimum of 4 hours, you're entitled to a 15% refund. If your performance drops over a 1 day period, you'll be entitled to a 50% refund!

To answer your question simply is we don't overcharge. We know VPS servers are expensive and are difficult to find at a good price. That's why we created Platinum Host. We focus on the things customers want or need. Things like quick servers, tons of unlimited bandwidth and storage for storing those important files. We hope you join us to beat all the other companies in reducing VPS costs.

On all of our servers we have a range of specs depending on your budget and use case. The lower priced VPS servers start with a CPU compared to a Ryzen 5 3200X. Our higher priced VPS Servers start with a CPU compared to a Ryzen 9 5900X.

All of our game servers have a beefy NVME SSD with Unlimited Storage. Starting from 1GB of RAM you'll be given the full CPU to play with. This may be limited if your server utilizes the full CPU for a long period of time.

Learn more about our specs here!

This date is really cool, we started on the first day of the first month of 2022. In short it's 01.01.2022.

We have been active for more than 6 months now but don't let that scare you. We have a refund policy, high specs and a great price. If we aren't for you, we understand.

  • Minecraft Servers

    Minecraft Server FAQ.

You can now easily add any Minecraft Plugin to your server straight from the panel. Head on over to the Plugins tab on your chosen server and search the plugin you wish to install.

If you want to install a plugin manually, you can head on over to the File Manager tab on your chosen server and drag and drop your .jar file to the plugins folder.

If you need any help with installing a specific plugin, you can contact us via Live Chat, Email or by creating a Ticket.

To change your server type, replace the server.jar file with either Paper, Spigot etc and restart your server. Our game panel will handle the rest!

To connect to your server, simply click the URL below your chosen server name. This will copy the IP to your clipboard where you can paste it into Minecraft.

Yes, you can use SFTP to connect to your server by heading over to the Settings page and copy the SFTP Details information into either WinSCP or FileZilla.

If you already have FileZilla or WinSCP installed, you can simply press on the Launch SFTP button. The panel will then automatically enter the address and username for you.

You can also change your server name by heading into the Settings page and changing the server name in Change Server Name section of the page.

  • VPS Servers

    VPS Server FAQ.

At the moment we are redoing all of our plans for our VPS Servers. If you wish to purchase a plan smaller than 4GB of RAM you will have to reach out to us via our Live Chat, Ticket or by email.

At the moment all of our VPS Servers are equipped with a Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690. We think it is the best CPU for the job.
If you want a different CPU, you can reach out to us via our Live Chat, Ticket or by email.

At the moment, we do not permit the use of Tor Relays on our VPS Plans. You can reach out to us via our Live Chat, Ticket or by email to get a VPS Server built specifilly for Tor.
You can run any type of IRC Services if they comply with our Terms of Service.

  • Dedicated Servers

    Dedicated Servers FAQ.

We aim to deliver your Dedicated Server 24 hours after purchase. Your billing period will start after you recieve your SSH details to the machine. If you have to wait longer than 24 hours, you can reach out to us via our Live Chat, Ticket or by email.

Yes, that's the beauty of it. We do not limit the amount of bandwidth you use, full stop!

Yes, you can. After you have purchased your Dedicated Server from us, you can request more IPv4 addresses via our Live Chat, Ticket or by email.